Monday, March 19, 2012


This morning, we woke up to a lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast made by Brooke and Melissa.  Then, we met Mr. Bob from WNCA and he guided us all on a hike through the Black Hills National Park.  Jeremy's driving skills were put to the test.  During the hike, Mr. Bob taught us a lot about the botany that we saw and the invasive species that were endangering the local plants in the mountains.  We saw a geo-cache hidden underneath a log which was pretty amazing, BUT in the middle of the trail, we came across a large rock that had a ridiculously BEAUTIFUL VIEW of the landscape.  Mr. Bob gave us a quiz on the species of plants that he pointed out and we did pretty well.
We took a nice long shower after the hike and came back to the church for personal reflections about our day.  After that we all passed out while Anjana and Manpreet prepared delicious pizzas for dinner.  We went downtown where we explored and shopped.  Some of us went to a tea house and drank some tea while others went shopping.  The tea house had a gazillion flavors and they were great.
After coming back to the church, we all explored parts of the town.  Then we came back and got a super awesome girl's night + andrew and jeremy. We played some nostalgic music and colored in coloring books.  We all put on some matching Disney princess tattoos and it was just great.  i JUST PRESSED THE BACKSPACE BUTTON AND IT ALMOST DELETED EVERYTHINGGGG BUT IT DIDN'T SO IT'S ALL GOOOD. We are not going to sleep anytime soon. 

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